This is not a happy story. On our evening game drive, we did go back to find the wildebeest in labor, but we found the three male lions got to her before we did. It's gross but I'll tell it anyway - one of the lions was eating the calf which they had removed from her. I guess the only good thing about what happened is the female wildebeest didn't have a slow birthing death but instead was hopefully killed quickly by the lions.
We watched that scene for quite a while actually because two types of vultures, hooded vultures and white backed vultures, kept trying to make their way in and steal some food. The three brothers took turns chasing them off, so even though we didn't hear any loud roars, it was totally awesome watching the lions charging the vultures. Also cool was seeing the piece that some of the vultures were able to steal, which was the inside of the female wildebeest's stomach.
I actually already can't remember what order everything else that happened on the evening game drive came in, but there was lots of activity - including the mating of leopards!
I should be trying to sleep now - we head out again in two hours for another morning drive. Just figured I'd put the insomnia to good use and update anyone wondering about the wildebeest.
One of us will hopefully get around to a post on the way things go here at Londolozi, which is cool too - some of which I'd read about but have a better understanding of now that I'm here.
As perfect as Londolozi is, I'm going to suggest they provide house cats to each suite for those of us missing our own domestic feline snugglers after seeing all these great cats we can't touch. Might be a bad idea, though, since the staff remind us to close all the doors up and use the baboon proof latches when we go out.
I can't wait to see a baboon - but I promise not to let it in!
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