Saturday, December 17, 2011

How could we forget to post buffalo pictures?

This was a nice morning experience. The sun was shining, it was a bit windy, and we located a large herd of buffalo, maybe 300 or so. It was quite a sight to witness as they all literally paraded along beside us. We were keeping the pace with them when suddenly something spooked the lead buffalo and they all did an about face - heading straight for us! Apparently there is nothing to worry about when this happens, because our ranger maneuvered our vehicle so we were right in their midst and they came at us and around us. Eventually they all got settled and kept on their way and we watched until they got to a crest which was then out of our allowed boundaries. Some cute babies were in the herd but two bringingg up the rear had limps. We were cheering them on with hopes they don't end up as someone's dinner, but one has to accept that as a possibility in the wild after all.

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